Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The little girl that could

You all know that my mission in life is to bring TapWater to the height of success. Now, this is no small feat and so to do this, God has endowed me with very special super powers. Ladies and gentlemen, I have the strange ability to tolerate and even enjoy excessive amounts of testosterone. Most of my girlfriends marvel at this. Let's explore:

I am a girl.

I am the manager of six boys.

I also live with these same six boys.

I see them in the morning.

I see them at night.

I see them when I'm dressed up.

I see them when I first roll out of bed.

I share a kitchen with them.

And (here's the kicker), I share a bathroom with them.

And last night 2 guy friends and Graham were at the house, totalling nine boys! Wow. As my brother Marc would say, it was a sausage fest!

I know, isn't this amazing? I had special training in testosterone appreciation when I was young. I was the only girl with three brothers, two older and one younger. I played football, loved Matchboxes, and wore only t-shirts and jeans. I was tackled, farted on, punched, and put into the scissors grip -- you know, when your older brother chases you down, tackles you, traps you between his legs and squeezes your chest to the point that you can't breathe? Yep, good times. On top of it, my mother passed away when I was 14 so then it was just me, my dad, and my 3 brothers. My whole life I've spent the vast majority of my time with guys.

Interestingly, I question: did I recreate my youth by choosing a job of managing six men, or was I given this experience to prepare me for it? I am certain my purpose is to work for TapWater and so I tend to think the latter. But, who really knows?

One thing I do know, though, is that our toilet definitely needs to be cleaned.

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